Course Registration for 2025-2026
RAMS is a caring community engaged in critical thinking and purposeful, connected learning. Centered on early adolescents’ needs,we will provide quality opportunities for personal success in a safe environment that promotes respect, responsibility, diversity, exploration, creativity, and fun.
Welcome to RAMS!
- El estudiante se esta inscribiendo para las clases del siguiente año en Roseville Area Middle School. Si necesita ayuda para entender el proceso o esta forma, por favor llame a Cecilia Martino: 651-235-3426.
- Daim ntawv no yog rau nej cuv nej tus menyuam cov hoob rau lwm xyoo nyob tom Roseville Area Middle School. Yog hais tias nej muaj dab tsi nug, thov nej hu rau Maider Lee: 651-604-3548.
- If you have any questions about filling out these materials and you need a Karen or Burmese interpreter please call Hsar Htoo: 651-259-6752.
Heidi George, Principal
Joe Bue, Associate Principal
Garin Bogenholm, Associate Principal
Julie Gabos, Counselor
Todd Richter, Counselor
7th Grade Registration
- Incoming 7th Grade Registration Presentation
- 7th Grade Course Requirements
- Required Full-Year Courses
- Required Exploratory Courses
- Trimester Electives
- Full-Year Elective
Incoming 7th Grade Registration Presentation
7th Grade Course Requirements
Required Full-Year Courses
7000 English 7
This course will focus on critical literacy skills involving reading, writing, speaking and listening. Literature units at the 7th grade level include short story, novel, drama, non-fiction, and poetry. Students will use various literary elements and questioning strategies to develop critical-thinking skills while analyzing literature. Students will analyze one novel together as a class and at least one novel as part of a differentiated literature circle. Collaboration and discussion as a class and in small groups are essential to learning. Independent reading is also a component of the class. Students’ writing skills will be developed and reinforced through essay writing, personal narrative, argumentative writing, poetry, journaling, and literary response. This course is also the foundation for promoting Advanced Placement (AP) access to more students. It will prepare students for success when they take AP and other challenging courses in high school.
7020 Social Studies 7
This course will cover this nation's history to the current era, and will explore multiple perspectives about the key events and themes that have shaped our society. It will also include important economics and geography content. Students will apply and use their knowledge in a variety of ways and will work more independently; they will also problem solve, collaborate, communicate, and understand course content at higher levels. This course focuses on promoting strategies that will make students more organized, better note-takers, and effective critical thinkers, which will make them better prepared for access to AP courses and college in general.
7034 Math 7
This course is the foundation for promoting access to advanced coursework to more students and will prepare students for success in high school and beyond. It focuses student learning on Minnesota’s 7th grade math standards and will also offer advanced coursework that will provide more depth, complexity, and exposure to 8th grade standards for students who want an extra challenge. Within this course, there is an emphasis on mastering concepts such as rational number operations, proportional relationships, functions, and equations with variables. The math concepts and skills are learned through real-life experiences and applications. After completion of this course students will be ready for Algebra 8 with the opportunity, based on teacher recommendation, to register for Intermediate Algebra 8.
7033 Intermediate Algebra 7
This is an intensely accelerated course at the 9th grade level. This course focuses on a review of Minnesota’s 8th grade and the high school math algebra standards. Significant emphasis is placed on developing student understanding of linear functions, as well as moving into understanding systems of equations and quadratic equations. Students who typically earned a 4 (Exceeds) on their elementary report card in math and/or scored in the Exceeds grade level standard achievement level on their MCA (665 and above) in math have found this course to be a good match for their skills. Students will receive two high school credits for completing this course with a C- or better. These credits will not count in their GPA. Students completing the course with a D+ or below will automatically be registered to retake the class.
7040 Science 7
This course sets the foundation for success in high school biology, including advanced coursework. This standards-based course investigates the processes and concepts of the life sciences. Major units of study include: From Molecules to Organisms (structures and processes), Ecosystems (interactions, energy, and dynamics), Heredity (inheritance and variations of traits), and Biological Evolution (unity and diversity). Science skills are taught through scientific investigation and inquiry in the classroom. Informational text, classroom activities, and lab experiences are used to teach students. The science skills taught include:
- Asking questions and defining problems
- Developing and using models
- Planning and carrying our investigations
- Analyzing and interpreting data
- Using mathematics and computational thinking
- Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Engaging in argument from evidence
- Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
All students are given the opportunity to complete advanced coursework with high rigor.
Required Exploratory Courses
- 7070/7071 Art 7
- 7080 World of Music/7082 Band/7084 Orchestra/7086/7087 Chorus/7081 Beginning Band
- 7081 Beginning Band
- 7095 Health 7
- 7090/7091 Physical Education 7
- 7092 Personal Exercise Plan (PEP) 7
7070/7071 Art 7
In this class, students will produce a variety of artwork done in different mediums. Students will be introduced to basic drawing techniques, acrylic painting, hand-built pottery, and printmaking. In addition to these areas, students may have additional art experiences with sculptural forms, basic bookmaking, pastels, collage and other mediums. All projects will incorporate use and knowledge of the elements and principles of art. This course can be taken for a full year/alternating day or one trimester.
7080 World of Music/7082 Band/7084 Orchestra/7086/7087 Chorus/7081 Beginning Band
WORLD OF MUSIC: This is a non-performing, project-based music class that explores past and current musical styles and their importance in history. It includes a variety of presentations, research, written work, world drumming, and Garage Band (a music writing program). This is a trimester course.
BAND: Students must have experience in 6th grade playing woodwind, brass, or a percussion instrument. A limited number of instruments are available for rent from the school.
ORCHESTRA: Students must have experience in 6th grade playing a string instrument. A limited number of instruments are available for rent from RAMS.
CHORUS: Students must enjoy singing and be able to match pitch in their voice range. Students who are enrolled in one of these music classes may participate in extracurricular music groups such as Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, or Morning Choir.
Band, Orchestra, and Chorus are performance classes in which students play or sing every day, learn to read music, and develop their skills on their instrument or with their voice. Small-group, pull-out lessons are part of the curriculum. Two evening concerts at RAMS are a required part of performing in these ensembles. Only students who are enrolled in one of these classes may participate in extracurricular groups such as Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, or Morning Choir.
7081 Beginning Band
Have you always wanted to play a band instrument but didn’t know how to start? Now you can! This class is for students with no previous or limited experience playing a band instrument. Instruments to choose from may include flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, baritone, or tuba. Students are expected to practice their instrument outside of the school day. Students will try out and choose an instrument during the first week of class. Students are encouraged to provide their own instrument. A limited number of instruments are available for rent from the school.
7095 Health 7
The Health 7 curriculum is a trimester class that follows the National Health Education Standards. These standards have been integrated into seven thematic content areas designed to provide students with a wide variety of topics focused primarily on the development of life skills along with developmental assets and protective factors. The content areas include, but are not limited to, health/wellness/decision making, mental health, substance abuse and prevention (tobacco, alcohol, hard drugs,) human sexuality, and CPR/first aid.
7090/7091 Physical Education 7
This program provides the opportunity for development of physical skills and a positive attitude toward physical fitness. Activities are a balance of team, individual and dual sports. Units include soccer, tennis, volleyball, basketball, and badminton (weight training, Xbox Kinect, elliptical, and cardio machines). This course can be taken for a full-year/alternating day or one trimester.
7092 Personal Exercise Plan (PEP) 7
Students will be in a physical education class every day when they register for Personal Exercise Plan (PEP). Students will have the opportunity to work out in the fitness center (resistance training, active technology, ellipticals, and exercise bikes) on a more frequent basis as well as choose individual or team activities they would like to participate in. The objective of PEP is to increase strength and cardiovascular fitness through daily activity. Active and self-motivated students looking for additional physical education opportunities will be successful in PEP.
Trimester Electives
- 7050 Family and Consumer Science 7
- 7062 Build and Manufacture 7
- 7063 Design and Create 7
- 7075 World Cultures 7
7050 Family and Consumer Science 7
In FACS 7, we will be working on learning more about you. We will learn about how your personal development relates to your future through the exploration of your personality, skills, talents, values, and learning styles.
We will have the opportunity to explore more about your interests and how it will relate to your career and education choices through the MCIS (Minnesota Career Information System) program. This course will also provide students with hands-on projects through sewing and how to understand and care for young children.
7062 Build and Manufacture 7
Curriculum is based on a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) approach incorporating the mix of disciplines through several challenging and innovative units. Areas covered in this exciting, fast-paced course may include: measurement, isometric drawing, woodworking, and metals. Students will develop practical, hands-on skills while establishing a life-long “safety first” awareness. There may be a small course fee for materials needed for projects that will become the property of the student.
7063 Design and Create 7
This is a project-based class where students learn through hands-on experiences. Projects are based on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) with an emphasis on the Engineering Design Process where students define a problem, plan a solution, make a model, test the model, and then reflect and redesign. Students will use various pieces of equipment and technology when designing and making projects. There may be a small course fee for material needed for projects that will become the property of the student.
7075 World Cultures 7
World Cultures has two goals: to teach students to respectfully respond to differences and expose students to exploratory languages and cultures. We will explore answers to the questions: What is culture? How are languages related and change? How are language and culture connected? and What causes a language to die out? We will explore different topics that relate to languages and culture and give students an opportunity to explore areas of interest with a final project that synthesizes all the information from class.
Full-Year Elective
7900 AVID 7
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a rigorous academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success, and is scheduled during the regular school day as a year-long course. Each week, students receive instruction that uses a rigorous college-prep curriculum, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities, and enhancing academic skills. Students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to build upon their academic growth. Students engage in activities centered around exploring college and career opportunities utilizing intrapersonal and interpersonal skills as well as formal and informal speech. The process to be in the AVID 7 elective is completed at elementary sites in the second half of 6th grade. Students will complete an AVID application, interview, and will be selected. If you are new or missed the initial application process and want to be in the AVID 7 elective, contact to begin your process.
8th Grade Registration
- Incoming 8th Grade Registration Presentation
- Required Full-Year Courses
- 8th Grade Course Requirements
- Required Exploratory Courses
- Full-Year/Alternating Days
- Trimester Electives
- Full-Year Electives
Incoming 8th Grade Registration Presentation
Required Full-Year Courses
8000 English 8
This course focuses on increasing rigorous opportunities for 8th grade students as they prepare for high school. We will read a variety of texts including short stories, articles, informational texts, novels, and even poetry! During reading units, students will use various literary terms to develop critical-thinking skills while analyzing texts. Writing skills will be developed and reinforced through developing a thesis, persuasive writing, poetry, personal reflection, and vocabulary development. Many of our activities and units follow a social justice theme to follow the power standards in English 8. The curriculum intentionally reflects multiple perspectives, making it possible for students to see themselves and feel affirmed. Each term, students are challenged to write in a way that effectively communicates and develops their unique voice. Students will be offered advanced options (AO) and embedded honors (EH) work in English 8 to add more depth and complexity to the curriculum. Embedded honors work combines literature and writing to help springboard students into the Accelerated English 9 class.
8020 Social Studies 8
Social Studies 8 is a Global Studies course. Students will study geography, history, economics, citizenship, and ethnic studies. They also analyze modern world trends such as demographic changes, trade patterns, and globalization. Students will strengthen their skills in critical reading, higher-level thinking, and writing. This course prepares students for advanced courses in high school, including access to AP programs.
8040 Physical Science 8
Physical Science 8 is a combined course of study with physics and chemistry topics taught through a series of interconnected units.
Science is not a subject, but rather a method of studying the world. Science is defined as an organized way to gain knowledge about the natural world by observing and investigating. Therefore, science is both a collection of knowledge and the process of discovering it. Since science is a method, this course will focus on developing the eight science practices:
- Asking Questions and Defining Problems
- Developing and Using Models
- Planning and Carrying out Investigations
- Analyzing and Interpreting Data
- Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
- Constructing Explanations and Solutions
- Engaging in Argument from Evidence
- Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Evidence
The class will collaboratively learn these practices while working to explain phenomena we see on a near-daily basis.
Math 8
RAMS teachers will work with students and families to recommend a math course according to the district prerequisite course. (Students who do not receive a grade of C- or higher in an accelerated course may not be placed in the next level.)
- Math 7 students who are self-starters and have normally earned an A or B are recommended to take Intermediate Algebra 8. This class is worth high school credit.
- Math 7 students who do not feel comfortable taking a high school level course are recommended to take Algebra 8.
Students will receive two high school credits for completing Intermediate Algebra 8 and Geometry 8 with a C- or better. These credits will not count in their GPA. Students completing the course with a D+ or below will automatically be registered to retake the class.
8th Grade Course Requirements
8th Grade Course Requirements | |
English | Full year |
Social Studies | Full year |
Mathematics | Full year |
Science | Full year |
Health 8 | Trimester |
Phy Ed | Full year/Alt Day |
8th grade students get additional elective choices. It's important that students and parents/guardians read the materials and discuss the options available for students. |
Required Exploratory Courses
8095 Health 8
8th grade health is a trimester class that follows the National Health Education Standards. These standards have been integrated into six thematic content areas designed to provide students with a wide variety of topics. Building off topics discussed in 7th grade, Health 8 provides students the opportunity to delve deeper into important topics including mental health, human sexuality (relationships, contraception, abstinence, LGBTQ+ vocabulary) and substance abuse. Students will also experience all new units including, but not limited to being a lifelong learner, safety/violence prevention, and nutrition.
8090/8092 Physical Education 8
The curriculum emphasizes an advancement of the skills introduced in 7th grade. The class promotes a healthy and physically fit body. Units offered include soccer, tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton, fitness center (weight training, Xbox Kinect, elliptical, bikes), archery, softball, and flag football.
Full-Year/Alternating Days
- 8051 Family and Consumer Science (FACS) 8
- 8063 Design and Create 8
- 8071 Art Choices 8
- 8082 Band 8/8084 Orchestra 8/8086 Chorus 8
- 8091 Personal Exercise Plan (PEP) 8
8051 Family and Consumer Science (FACS) 8
Are you ready to learn about getting your first part-time job? Are you becoming more independent? Are you ready to use your creativity by exploring interior design and creating more advanced sewing projects? FACS 8 is an every other day, year-long elective class where you can explore these topics throughout the year. You will learn to design your dream home, create advanced sewing projects, prepare for your first job, manage money, and explore parenting and family life.
8063 Design and Create 8
This class is a more in-depth look at the technologies introduced in Design and Create 7. Students interested in combining the STEAM approach with problem solving and design will love this course. Curriculum provides first-hand experience using research and design (R&D) processes and techniques used in architecture, engineering, industry, and other fields. Students will strengthen individual skills and develop teamwork competence. Many of the activities will be design challenges that can be done individually or in a group setting. There may be a small course fee for material needed for projects that will become the property of the student.
8071 Art Choices 8
Take your artistic skills to the next level. In this course, you decide the art styles and mediums you want to explore. With emphasis on choice and interest, you will study the work of local and culturally diverse artists and develop your own style. Students will be presented with a variety of media and techniques to explore and experiment with, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture (3D work), and mixed media. You will also build an artist portfolio and showcase your art by the end of the year.
8082 Band 8/8084 Orchestra 8/8086 Chorus 8
These classes are performance classes and will require attendance at 2-3 concerts during the year. Band 8 and Orchestra 8 are open to students that were a member of band and orchestra in 7th grade, or have director approval. Small group pull-out lessons are part of the curriculum for band and orchestra. Chorus students must enjoy singing and demonstrate the ability to match pitch. Students in choir continue work on reading music and sing three-part music. Students who are enrolled in one of these music classes may participate in extracurricular music groups such as Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, or Morning Choir.
8091 Personal Exercise Plan (PEP) 8
Students will be in a physical education class every day when they register for personal exercise plan (PEP). Students will have the opportunity to work out in the fitness center (resistance training, active technology, ellipticals, and exercise bikes) on a more frequent basis as well as choose individual or team activities they would like to participate in for a daily workout. The objective of PEP is to increase strength and cardiovascular fitness through daily activity. Active and self-motivated students looking for additional physical education opportunities will be successful in PEP. Students wanting to register should have been successful participating in 7th grade PE.
Trimester Electives
- 8050 Foods and You 8
- 8070 Art and Design 8
- 8105 Eatery 8
- 8062 Build and Manufacture 8
- 8064 Makerspace 8
- 8112 Computer Science 8
- 8113 Introduction to Theater 8
8050 Foods and You 8
This course will focus on preparing and cooking meals. As we learn to cook, we will focus on safety and sanitation, nutrition, and making healthy food choices. Students will learn basic cooking skills to help prepare nutritious meals at school and at home. Students will also learn how to read food labels, food advertising, and learn how to comparison shop. Technical reading, organization, measuring, and direction following are sets of skills reinforced in this course.
8070 Art and Design 8
Combine your interest of design and construction with your love of art. This class will be an in-depth exploration of different mediums and techniques in 2D and 3D art. This includes working on the potter’s wheel and using acrylic on canvas. Students will develop creative thinking and problem solving skills in this course. You will have the ability to sign up for this class twice. If you take this class a second time, you will have options for more advanced mediums and techniques that may include weaving and jewelry.
8105 Eatery 8
If you enjoy making and eating a variety of different foods then this is the class for you! This course focuses on selecting, preparing, and serving foods according to nutritional guidelines and will have recipes from all the major food groups. This course will allow you the opportunity to look at foods through a cultural lens through a mini cultural foods unit. The end unit of the course will have the students creating, preparing, marketing, and selling their own snack created through the snack shop unit.
8062 Build and Manufacture 8
This is a project-based class where students will learn through hands-on projects. Students will learn about proper tool usage and machine safety as well as advanced woodworking. Students will also learn how to read blueprints. There are various projects the students will be working on, including a sheet metal toolbox and a shaker-style clock. There will be a small course fee for materials needed for projects that will become the property of the student.
8064 Makerspace 8
This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to make almost anything. Students will learn how to use several computer programs. These computer programs will be used to design projects. Areas of focus may include 3D printing, laser engraving/cutting, vinyl cutting, and dye sublimation. Collaboration, creativity and problem-solving skills will be gained through the projects in the class. There is a $5 lab fee for this class to cover the cost of projects that the students will be taking home.
8112 Computer Science 8
This course focuses on learning various computer coding languages and computer science basics essential for creating software and using modern technology at an advanced level. This course gives a broader but more basic overview of four themes (programming, security, analytics, and system administration) and a lot of basic skills in each.
8113 Introduction to Theater 8
Introduction to Theater is a trimester elective class for anyone interested in learning more about what goes on in the theater world. Students who take this class will learn the basics of various aspects of theater. We will spend our time working on a variety of project-based learning experiences that will cover the basics of acting, script reading and analysis, script writing, set building, prop making, lighting, sound, dance, theater from other cultures, Shakespeare, etc. Join us for an exciting class in the RAMS theater as we explore the ins and outs of theater. The class will have a final presentation that combines all of the aspects so there is room for anyone, be it beginner or experienced theater participant.
Full-Year Electives
- 8010 French 1 — Introductory Conversational 8
- 8014 Spanish 1 — Introductory Conversational 8
- 8900 AVID 8
8010 French 1 — Introductory Conversational 8
Students will learn to speak, read, write, and understand French at an introductory level. The focus is on communicating in everyday situations about topics such as school, shopping, food, family, and hobbies. Students will also begin exploring the geography and cultures of the French-speaking world. Students will receive two high school credits for completing this course with a C- or better. These credits will not count in their GPA. Students completing the course with a D+ or below will have to retake the class to advance to the next level.
8014 Spanish 1 — Introductory Conversational 8
Students will learn to speak, read, write, and understand the Spanish language with an emphasis on everyday conversations about family, school, recreational activities, food, and more. We will study many different aspects of Latin American and Spanish culture, such as daily life, geography, cultural values, and celebrations. Students will receive two high school credits for completing this course with a C- or better. These credits will not count in their GPA. Students completing the course with a D+ or below will have to retake the class to advance to the next level.
8900 AVID 8
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success, and it is scheduled during the regular school day as a year-long course.
The 8th grade AVID elective course is the year of preparation for high school. Students will regularly exhibit and utilize the skills and strategies learned in the 7th grade AVID course. They will refine previous goals, focusing on their transition to high school as part of a college-preparatory path. Their writing will focus on completing all steps of the writing process and varying style, word choice, vocabulary, structure, and voice. Major writing assignments include persuasive, expository, descriptive, and timed writing. Students will transition from active learners to leaders. Other areas of focus include increasing the use of technology and building upon test-preparation and test-taking knowledge. Students will broaden their experience with analyzing text and utilizing appropriate reading strategies in various settings. They will become more involved in presentations, leadership opportunities, and field trips, particularly as they relate to preparation and prior knowledge.
If students were in AVID 7 they will automatically continue to AVID 8 if they meet expectations of the elective. If you are a new or current student interested in being in the AVID 8 elective, please contact please contact Scott Lauinger, RAMS AVID coordinator, at for an application or to ask questions.
Additional Programming
English Language Development Services
RAMS has multiple ways of meeting the needs of students receiving English language development (ELD) services. They will have a schedule tailored to their needs. Our students will be in the following types of classes: sheltered content core classes, co-taught core classes, or English language development class. All ELD classes work to improve each student’s ability to read, write, speak, and listen in English. Information will be gathered from their elementary school to help assist in the process. Complete the registration card as instructed, and elective choices will be honored when possible. Please contact Kelly Grucelski, RAMS ELD coordinator, with additional questions at
Special Education
RAMS has a continuum of special education services available to meet the needs of students in setting 1-3. Students receiving special education services will have a schedule tailored to their needs. Information will be gathered from their elementary school to help assist in the process. Complete the registration card as instructed and elective choices will be honored when possible. Your child’s case manager will contact you prior to the start of school.
Dual Language Spanish Immersion (DLSI)
Students currently enrolled in tthe Dual Language Spanish Immersion (DLSI) program at RAMS. Students who speak Spanish at home and who have literacy skills in Spanish are also eligible to take immersion classes. More information on DLSI classes offered at RAMS is on our website. For students who did not attend the DLSI program at Little Canada, a Spanish language proficiency assessment is required to determine program eligibility. If you would like to know more information about the Spanish dual immersion program at RAMS, please contact Maria Delgado at or Silvia Vasquez at
Contact Information
Important Phone Numbers
Main Number |
651-482-5280 |
Attendance |
651-482-5281 |
Heidi George, Principal |
651-482-5284 |
Joe Bue, Associate Principal |
651-482-5287 |
Garin Bogenholm, Associate Principal |
651-482-5297 |
Linsey Owen, Building Secretary |
651-482-5284 |
Mel Cogan, Student Services Secretary |
651-482-5289 |
Todd Richter, Counselor |
651-482-5289 |
Julie Gabos, Counselor |
651-482-5289 |
Amy Grengs, School Psychologist |
651-482-5289 |
Lisa Valerius, School Psychologist |
651-482-5289 |
Angie Feigal, School Social Worker |
651-482-5289 |
Joan Tighe, School Nurse |
651-482-5291 |
Linsey Saxton, Health Assistant |
651-482-5291 |
Rachael Gandossy, Counselor |
651-482-5289 |
Tanysha Scott, Athletics/Activities Director |
651-482-5290 |
Ursala Pankonin, |
651-724-6650 |
Cultural Liaisons
Additional Information
School Day & Schedule
Our district has implemented a digital learning initiative to take advantage of the benefits that come with providing equitable access to educational technology. In 7th and 8th grade, students are issued a device to use during the school year. More information can be found on the school website and will be included in the school handbook you will receive at the end of the summer.
Activities & Athletics
There are a lot of before/after school activities and athletic teams that are offered at RAMS. Some activities that have been offered are: chamber orchestra, morning choir, jazz band, Science Club, yearbook, theater program, robotics, and Hmong Club. Sports offered in the fall, winter and spring seasons include cross country, soccer, football, volleyball, tennis, swimming/diving, basketball, skiing, wrestling, track, baseball and softball. All fall sports registrations are online and should be done before school starts. Check the RAMS website or the school handbook for specific sports start dates, because most fall sports will start practicing in August. Students must have an athletic physical on file (good for three years) in order to register. Activity buses are available after practices to take student-athletes home.
Synergy & Schoology
RAMS uses the StudentVUE/ParentVUE program, as well as Schoology, so that students and families can track assignments, grades, attendance, and health information. Students and families will be given access codes when school starts. RAMS’ website is Families can also put a free ParentVUE and Schoology app on their smartphones.
Unity Center
Our Unity Center offers students and their families a place to get extra help and participate in a variety of academic, artistic, and cultural opportunities that focus on science, technology, engineering, arts, health and wellness, leadership, and academic support outside the school day and when school is not in session. These opportunities equip students with the skills to thrive in school and far beyond.
Unity Center is open after school from 2:50 – 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and during the summer and spring break. Students can take the activity bus home or get picked up by their family. There is no cost to participate in Unity Center.